“We need to remember to utilize the mind but not let the mind be captain of the ship.”
– Lee Purcell
Steve: Welcome to The Steve Show. Today, I have Lee Purcell here. I got to meet Lee in the Amazon (Peru) when I was in a group mastermind, and today, we’re talking about mindset. Today. We’re going to talk about what stops us, where are the opportunities of this. Let’s jump into the mindset.
Lee, I’m so happy you’re on the show. First, I’m grateful that you’re here. The second part is, I think so many of us think that when we get to a certain place or when we achieve a certain goal, that then things will be different better in our lives. But you and I both agree that really, we have to change to have that.
Lee Purcell: Absolutely. I mean, Deepak Chopra, I think it was, that said to be happy for no reason. Because if you’re happy for a reason, that reason can be taken away from you. A lot of times, we’re living in a state of chasing because we identify with the mind so much, we identify with ego. Whenever I feel that this is going to make me happier in the future then it’s not making me happy with right now.
Even with fears. I live in states of dwelling on things, or I’m afraid that this is going to turn out this way when I’m afraid of suffering. I’m afraid of suffering in the future. But when I’m living in fear, I’m afraid of suffering right now. Then I’m suffering right now, right?
Steve Napolitan: Yeah. Because the mind doesn’t know the difference in time. It’s all right now. So when you think of something in the future, you are living and experience those thoughts it now. Or in the past, if you’re dwelling on something that happened to you and you’re upset about it, then it’s still occurring now in your mind.
Lee Purcell: Which makes it to me like such a cosmic joke because the only thing that’s happening right now is this moment. Everything else is that electrical pulse in the brain, and it just makes me laugh because when I identify with the mind, first, I see a lot of patterns within human beings, myself included.
I wanted to eliminate the ego. I wanted to eliminate the mind from the whole equation. And I think we got it wrong because we want to enter the heart space, we want to enter the moment, or right now, or some people call it spirit, some people call it God, whatever word we want to use for right now.
We need to remember to utilize the mind but not let the mind be captain of the ship. We’ve let this thing lead the course, and now we just want to get rid of it when it’s creative. Like, look at life.
Life is creation. That comes from the mind. That comes from something beyond the mind, but it starts with the mind. And when we learn to lead with our hearts and back it up with our minds, I believe that’s where we find those states of balance that we’re looking for.
Most people, when they start like a spiritual path and they start waking up, it’s like, “Oh, get rid of the ego. Oh, that’s ego. That’s all ego.”
Well, ego’s not a bad thing. I mean, one of Tony Robbins books, he was explaining how Mother Theresa had an ego. She feels good when she’s helping people. Does that mean she’s a bad person?
Steve Napolitan: Nope.
Lee Purcell: So many of us, as I said, we’re just racing, getting rid of the ego. And it’s so funny, I did. 200% I did. And now I’m learning to find that balance within my mind, but lead with my heart, lead with the feeling because once we trust our gut and once we trust our feelings, everything seems to work out.
Steve Napolitan: When we think about business, and so many people get into this, you get into your career, you start a company, then you start to try to think logical. There’re even books in there. Like when it comes to the consumer level, it’s emotional. When it comes to business level, it’s logical.
I entirely disagree. I think that everything’s emotional and everything connects back to that. But I guess, here’s where I’m getting at: these decisions are being made, and we’re doing it so much on the logic that we lose sight of our emotion, like that gut feeling people talk about.
So maybe talk a little about how you’ve utilized intuition. You don’t have to be a wizard.
Lee Purcell: I call it spiritual pushups. That’s just something I created on my own. The reference point I use is if I want to get in better shape.
I mean, three years ago, I was 240 pounds, I had a big belly out to here. The only reason I’m in better shape is that I practiced. I worked out, I ate healthy, I put all these things into account. If I want to strengthen my intuition, I need to practice it.
So, what I teach people, I’ll tell them, “Go for a walk and just start. Literally, go left or right? And whatever comes first, just go. Go left. If you feel left, just go and see what happens. Just see what happens, and assess it, and analytically use the mind to back that up.”
Now, assess it logically, “Okay, so this happened when I did this.” Then see how many times it really works out. If it works out more times than less, then to me, that’s intuition. Now you’re learning to analytically identify your own intuition, and you’re teaching yourself how to strengthen that intuition.
This all can be applied logically. If there’s people that don’t believe it, well that’s fine, but you probably haven’t practiced it to see the experience, and you’re just judging an experience that you haven’t really made effort in.
It can all be broken down scientifically. We are all vibrations and we’re all vibrating. That’s proven science and magnetically we attract. We attract our outside world from our inside perspective.
Steve Napolitan: I know my wife took an intuition class, and the first thing they taught was to write things down. If you meditate or whatever you’re doing, or if you’re having these thoughts, write them down because then you look at it a day later, two days later, a week later, and you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I knew.”
I’ve been doing this more now, and I’ve been with clients, and I actually write something down, and then the client says it right after I write it down. I’m like, “Wow,” like I felt it because I was listening. Those would’ve been things I would’ve said, “Nah, that’s weird stuff, woo-woo.” But I’m like, “Wow, no, this is happening.” What’s happened now is that I’m making decisions in a much more congruent way for myself, and I can see the results. It was like you were saying, checks and balances.
I had a group of guys come to me with an offering and one of the guys is a billionaire. I’ve been around a few billionaires, but they came to me and they wanted me to be a partner in the business. And I got an immediate no.
I already made a commitment to myself before this happened, like months before, I was like, “I’m going to take the first answer.” And now it makes sense to me, because my whole mission right now is to be with my family, to be with my kids, so I don’t want a business that’s going to take my affairs outside of the house where I’m working way harder.
Regarding that deal, it turns out that it did not work the way that they expected, so my intuition was correct. It served me. If I would’ve said yes, I would be in a whole whirlwind. We might not even be sitting here talking right now because I would be working on something else.
Lee Purcell: Wow. And analytically, you’ve made money, and now you’re learning to refine that picture within yourself. Because anybody can make money-
Steve Napolitan: Yeah, there are so many ways.
Lee Purcell: Yeah. And is it money? Is that the end goal? I mean, I’ve talked to so many people that they’re business oriented, that are making money, and the same thing. Exactly that. A lot of them aren’t happy if they aren’t doing it in the way that best suits them.
And once you find that balance within yourself, which you are, you know what I mean? You’re finding that. You get to have all that family life, and you’re enjoying it, and I see that, and it’s inspiring, you know?
Then take that one account that you just had with that business guy, and analytically, looking at it. You made a good call! But if you do that 10 times, and it works out eight or even 10 times, if it works out every single time, how can you deny that? That’s science! That’s a study. That’s an observation and most of the time, it’s working out. So that’s intuition. It can be explained so logically and so simply.
I call life so much simplicity within so much complexity, because for me anyways, I’ve personally found the craziest, most profound things that I’ve ever been searching or have been the simplest of all. Do you agree?
Steve Napolitan: Absolutely. I mean, life and business are so simple. Is it going to be like a piece of cake all the time? No, some things are going to bump and grind, and those are lessons that we need to learn. And you know where I’ve bumped and grinded the most? When I wasn’t listening to my intuition.
Lee Purcell: And the funny part is, when you don’t trust it then you get lost in your mind. As you said, it happens less, and less, and less.
Steve Napolitan: It just happens. That’s the speed of it. It’s so amazing how you can make decisions faster. Even that business decision that I might have taken weeks to decide, “Should I do business with these billionaires or not?” Then to have this decision come to me in the first ask, like, “Should I do this? No.”
Lee Purcell: Boom, done.
Steve Napolitan: So, Lee and I will both pay attention as we watch this thread. Please do comment and share your thoughts. We love interacting with you!
Until next time…
Choose Gratitude Create Freedom
Steve Napolitan