Gratitude plays a huge part of my life and my business, but I wasn’t always as grateful as I am now. I used to get upset that my business wasn’t far enough along or disappointed in myself for not pushing harder…even though I was already running thin. Maybe you can relate? Today, I share how practicing radical gratitude has consistently catapulted my growth in business and life. I’ll give you my three part process for finding gratitude in ANY circumstance so that you can move toward achievements faster…and happier!
See transcript below:
Steve Napolitan: Welcome to More Business, More Life Daily. Today I want to talk about how gratitude changed my life in a good way. So gratitude plays a big part of my life. And even in our company, the tagline is, “choose gratitude, create freedom”. And I can tell you that I wasn’t as grateful as I am now. Many years ago in my businesses, I was always upset that I wasn’t far enough along or disappointed in myself that I wasn’t at the place that I wanted. And when I met my mentor in the first meeting, I was with him, he did an exercise with me to show me how much better my life was than where I had come from. And it allowed me to realize how much I had to be grateful for. And then in that, the next lessons that I learned in my life was that when I’m grateful for where I am, it actually springs me to the next place.
See, so often we find ourselves in a place where we’re not happy with where we are and we’re almost in a way resisting and sometimes very directly resisting what we’re getting and that stalls out the next step. See, one of my other teachers, Carl Buchheit, he taught me that when you choose what you get, this is a lot. We make choices in life. You choose what you get, you choose what you want, I should say, choose what you want and then take what you get. And take what you get is quite literal. We have to take what we to get, even if it doesn’t come the exact way that we want it, even if it’s in a different way or something that we didn’t want or maybe it doesn’t happen at all the way we want, we get better at this. When we start using our language and we keep our mind on what we want, then it actually our manifestation goes at a higher level.
At the beginning stages, a lot of times for me, it did not come the way I want and still sometimes it doesn’t and I’m like, “Whoa! Why is this? This is interesting.” But ultimately it was the lesson I needed to learn and then I ended up exactly where I wanted to be. And so in why I’m telling you this is that when I wasn’t grateful, or I was not happy with where I was, I would stall or slow down my life in my journey towards where I wanted to go. So now what I do is, I add that gratitude in. So I choose what I want, I take what I get, and have gratitude in that, no matter what it is. So basically one of our core values is, and that’s what I’m going to do over the next five episodes, including this one. So four more episodes after this are our five core values for our company. And the number one value is gratitude. Because when we choose what we want, take what we get and find gratitude in it, no matter what.
So our specific value is, have gratitude in all results. Basically gratitude, appreciate all results. No matter what it is, the results that we didn’t want, the results that are adverse to us that we are like, “Oh my gosh, why is this happening to me?” The sooner you find gratitude in that, then the sooner you propel yourself to the next step because here’s how it goes, you choose what you want, you take what you get, then you find gratitude in that, no matter what it is and then you choose again. And the more rapid that you make choices, the quicker we go where we want to go. And so when we don’t, when we stall out, when we’re not getting what we want, and then we get in this place where we’re not in a gratitude moment, then we don’t get that next choice as quickly and we stall things out.
So the quicker you can bring gratitude to the front and center of every day of your life, then you will actually propel yourself in the direction that you want. It is one of the most important things and that’s why I sign everything with gratitude. I am grateful for when I find adversity, I so quickly now find the gratitude in it. No matter how crazy the thing is going on in my life or in the world, I find gratitude in that, then that propels me towards that, it also lifts you into happiness, it removes you from grief, sadness, upset and anger. You can find and move and change your state based on the level that you find in gratitude.
So that’s why I end every episode with choose gratitude and create freedom. Your freedom will come from your ability to be grateful. So be grateful. And as always, and let me know before I say this, let me know what is valuable about these episodes, how can I help you more, let me know about your biggest concerns, challenges, your desires because I will start to add these more and more into the daily videos, so I can give you these three to five-minute tips very successfully. Your feedback is very good. And if you like this, please like the video and subscribe to our channel and I look forward to continuing to serve you. As always, remember, choose gratitude and create freedom. We’ll see you on the next episode.