If this current moment wasn’t a gift, it wouldn’t be called the PRESENT! Unfortunately, the gift of NOW often gets lost in entrepreneurship’s daily grind. Today, Lee Purcell joins me to share how being present helps you see the diamonds in those pressure-filled moments. Connecting with the NOW gives you the power to appreciate life more, make better decisions in business, and observe the valuable lessons right in front of you. You’ll learn how to ditch the unconscious habits that deplete you…and invest that wasted energy back into growth!
Meet our guest: Lee Purcell

I am on a mission to elevate consciousness by teaching people how to use the power of perspective as a tool of self-empowerment.
In 2013 my whole life changed. I traveled from Northern Alberta Canada to the Amazon Jungle with the intention of learning how to eliminate fear from my life. I thought that my biggest fear was something like death or spiders and it turns out that I was more afraid of other people’s opinions than anything else. I had spent the better part of my life thinking that I was a leader, but I was really just searching for acceptance in others. I had to learn that love and acceptance come from within in order for me to understand the true value of life itself. Once this became apparent, my mission became simple. Share this lesson with the world.
Listen to the podcast below:
More Business More Life® Podcast Episode 15 – with Lee Purcell
The More Business More Life® podcast has been recorded by Napolitan Inc. It is hosted by the company’s Megaphone channel and you can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite apps as follows:

The podcast is also available on Steve Napolitan’s YouTube channel.