
The Ultimate Business Stimulus Package…

Create MORE business and MORE Life in 2020
…Even While The Economy Struggles!
Register For More Business More Life Online Event Today

Revolutionize your business
in a time of crisis

A Message From
Steve Napolitan
What if you could grow your business in this economy, right now?
What if this could be the biggest opportunity of your life?

It might be hard to imagine not only growing your business in a time like this, but actually revolutionizing it to create more freedom in your life.

You might just be thinking about the next client, not penciling in more vacation days. But I’m here today to share from personal experience that the most radical positive change can emerge from times of crisis.

In fact, when I lost almost everything (except my wife and kids) in the 2008 crisis, I was able to rebuild my business in 90 days. Not just to ‘baseline survival’ level, but to multiple six figures. And I did it using the process I’m going to teach you in More Business More Life…

More Business More Life is the same event I’ve been holding successfully for 15 years, moved online and freshly revamped for the COVID-19 economy.

But this event isn’t just about sustaining a business during difficult times.

It’s about building your business around the life you want.

It’s about introducing systems in your business that allows you to bring MORE revenue while you…

  • Work LESS hours per week.
  • Pay your employees and team MORE.
  • Work ONLY with clients that bring you joy.
  • Spend MORE time with family, traveling, and doing the things that inspire you.
  • Enjoy an integrated life and business that GIVES you energy (instead of drains it)

We’re going to completely revolutionize your business, marketing, and sales systems over 4 days of hands-on workshops. You’ll leave with a clearly defined plan that you can start implementing right away!

There has never been a better time to invest in your business and your life…

Join me for this incredible event at today’s special ‘business rescue package’ price and make 2020 the year that changes everything!

To Your Future,

Choose Gratitude, Create Freedom

Shelter In Place Virtual Testimonials

Jim Blachek
Melyssa Barrett
Lester Morales

More Testimonials

Vitalia Fedossova
Founder Aurelius Accounting
Nolan Lowry
CEO Resonate Social
Cheryl Liquori
Marketing Consultant

Who is this event for…

Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Consultants
who want to exponentially grow their revenue while making a difference in the world.

Business Owners
who not only want to survive the current economy, but thrive in it.

C-Level Executives
who want to level up without sacrificing their passions and personal life.

Successful Workaholics
looking to trade the relentless daily grind for a business that factors freedom into the earning equation.

See What’s In Store For
More Business More Life

Daily Workshop Summary

This isn’t your average online event…

More Business More Life is designed to bring the hands-on learning of a live training right into your home. Instead of lectures, you’ll be taking part in interactive workshops, group exercises, daily Q+A’s, and guided work sessions. We’ll be designing your business and life in real time during the event…so you can leave with a plan to implement immediately!

DAY 1 Core Purpose + Vision
Nov 17th

Connect With Your Core Purpose

Every business starts with its WHY. When you’re aligned with your core purpose, you invite abundance into your life and business! This workshop will help you tune into your inner voice and re-align yourself with your true nature and purpose with powerful writing and sharing exercises

Goal-ify Your Dreams

In the bustle of the daily business grind, so many entrepreneurs forget to dream. It’s time to get reacquainted with your vision for your ideal life! This workshop sets the stage for the rest of the event…you’ll set your specific goals and action steps now so you can have results BEFORE you leave.

The ‘MORE’ Mindset

What mindset traits drive success in business and life? Learn how to upgrade your mindset and break dated paradigms like “no pain no gain”…so you can invite more abundance into your life without suffering and sacrifice!

DAY 2 WOW Clients
November 18th

Harness The Magic of WOW Clients

Learn how WOW clients skyrocket the four R’s in your business….results, revenue, raving fans, and referrals. I’ll show you how to work ONLY with the clients that inspire you, resulting in rapid growth and feeling energized in your business every day.

The Client Value Journey

Once you understand the magic of WOW clients, learn how to take them on a profitable journey with you! You’ll learn how to ask the right questions to get to the heart of your WOW client’s needs so you can authentically sell to them, serve them, and create a valuable lifelong customer.

Clear Path To Customers

You know who you want to work with and the journey you want to take them on…but how do you find the right language to gain them as clients or customers? I’ll share my simple, authentic technique for mining the right marketing words – your WOW client’s own words – directly from the source!

DAY 3  Honing Your Message + Driving Traffic
November 19th

Message Development Session

Craft an unforgettable message that captures the attention of your audience. Participate in a collaborative writing session where you’ll brainstorm, draft, and hone a message that will serve as the foundation for your marketing copy.

Create Your Audio Logo

Let’s replace the old ‘elevator pitch’ with a more potent and attractive message – the audio logo. In this comprehensive writing, refining, sharing, and presentation exercise, I’ll ask you three magic questions. Your answers will make your audio logo come to life…and you won’t believe how easy and fast writing marketing copy can be!

Winning Traffic Strategies + Lifetime Value

Learn how to get that newly crafted message in front of your audience with this traffic strategy learning session. You’ll learn how to craft memorable content and leverage social media, joint venture opportunities, and more! We’ll bring it all together with my easy lifetime value equations that will help you determine the perfect marketing budget for your business.

Let Life Guide Your Business Structure

Take a critical look at the structure of your business in the context of the lifestyle you want. We’ll dive into the mechanics and systems of designing your business around your life, so that you can efficiently close the gap between ‘now’ and your dreams!

DAY4 Authentic Sales + Designing Your WOW Life
November 20th

Sales Without Selling

Learn my system for selling without convincing or chasing, based on authentic conversations that build lifelong customer relationships. Experience the ease of selling in a way that actually feels good and efficiently locks in WOW clients. Includes a full Authentic Sales Method Demo…learn it live and teach your sales team!

1 Hour To 6 Figures

We’ll break down my deceptively simple method for creating MORE sales opportunities and new clients in your workflow in just an hour of brief conversations per day. 

I’ll give you my script for conducting authentic client interview calls and show you demos of how it’s done!

WOW Life

Discover how to own your calendar and build your business around the life you really want. The hands-on exercises in this workshop are packed with mindset, motivation, and strategic gold! We’ll be designing your WOW life in real time during this session…maximizing for income and abundance.

BONUS! Private Facebook Community

Information alone doesn’t create results…it takes action! After the event you’ll gain access to the exclusive More Business More Life Facebook Community, designed to provide accountability, motivation, and support on your journey.

Inside, You’ll Experience…

* Live Monthly Q+A Sessions with Steve

Bring your unique business challenges to the table and have your questions answered by Steve and his team. Tune in for live troubleshooting, problem solving, and a monthly motivation boost!

* Networking Gold

Access a premium network of business peers for building valuable relationships and Nurture the connections your forged during the event…or find your next JV partner, team member, accountability buddy, or industry ‘in’!

*Ongoing Support

Steve and his team will also be available to answer your questions and share in your success between the live Q&A calls. All you have to do is stay involved in the community. We will be here to help you implement all you learn!

Seriously Considering This
Investment In Your Life?

Don’t Proceed Until You’ve Answered These…
More Business More Life is an Incredible Investment, but ONLY If…

1.You Truly Want MORE In Your Life

MBML is all about creating more freedom in your life. Be ready to let go of old patterns and mindsets that don’t serve you…because if you want that freedom, you must have a genuine DESIRE for change!

2.You’re Willing To Take Action

No matter what I teach you, it will not benefit you unless you take it to heart and take action. Don’t spend any money on this in-depth training unless you’re ready to commit to yourself and create results! I’m committed to your success, but I can’t be more committed to your success than you are… 

3.You’re Teachable

If you’re only willing to take action in the ways you’re used to, this program is not for you. You must be open to new systems and ideas and more importantly, be willing to let us guide you. After all, we’re on the tarmac with the guiding lights…but *you* fly the plane.

If you answered “yes, I am!” to all three points above, then you’re poised and ready to take full advantage of what More Business More Life Has To Offer!

An Entire Year Of Strategies and
Support During The Time You Need It Most…

Here’s What I’m Offering You Today…

More Business More Life Online Event [Nov 17th-20th] $8,497 value

  • 4 Days of hands-on workshops, group exercises, Q+A, and work sessions
  • Targeted strategies for growing your business in the COVID-19 economy
  • Mindset and motivation work to ground and energize you for the year ahead

Exclusive MBML Facebook Community Access $6,000+ value

  • Monthly Q+A where Steve and his team help you tackle your unique business challenges
  • Support, motivation, and accountability to keep you on track after the event
  • Premium network of business peers for building valuable relationships and connections

More Business More Life In-Person Event end of 2020 or in 2021 $12,497 value

  • Socially supercharge with face-to-face networking, collaboration, and group exercises
  • Organic meals to restore your body while your mind and spirit takes flight
  • VIP Day Excursion designed to explore the ‘more life’ principles of MBML
Total Value: $26,994
…but you won’t be paying that today!

It’s my mission to serve entrepreneurs, coaches, owners, and execs at the highest level during this challenging economic year…

So I’m making this package as accessible to as many people as possible by significantly reducing the price…and allow you to attend TWICE!

Get two events and a year of community support today for ONLY: