How can you align your authenticity with your life’s work while still making a living?
It is possible to grow a business that feels true, upholds your values, and is rooted in abundance and nourishment (while supporting the planet).
This week on the podcast, we chat with Tim Richards, owner of The Philosopher’s Stoneground organic sprouted almond butter.
His ultimate goal? Using a regenerative business model to create an economic engine that supports new life – not detracts.
A pioneer in his industry, listen in and learn about Tim’s existential reckoning moment, leap of faith, and the visceral experience of knowing what his life’s purpose was.
We chat about the essence of pause to hear your calling, the difference between regenerative and degenerative business models, and how aligning with your inner intentions is key to growth.
Meet our guest: Tim Richards

In medieval legend, there was a substance that could transmute ordinary metals into precious metals. This substance was given a name by the alchemists who sought after it: The Philosopher’s Stone.
It also was said to be an elixir of life, with the power to cure illness, renew the properties of youth, and grant immortality. The alchemists striving to create The Philosopher’s Stone referred to their efforts as the Magnum Opus, or “Great Work.”
Fast-forward to the year 2013: a 25-year-old named Tim Richards was searching for his life’s work. He meditated for nine months on how he could weave together the threads of his life as a philosopher, activist, and foodie into a meaningful career to serve the flourishing of himself and the world.
One night, as he was meditating before bed, he received a Download from the Universe. In his vision, he saw clearly that his life’s work was to start a sprouted almond butter company to teach people about the importance of sprouted food, while transforming the way that almonds were grown from destructive monoculture to healing polyculture.
The next day, he began following the operating instructions and founded The Philosopher’s Stoneground in his home kitchen. He alchemically transformed almonds into brown gold by sprouting, dehydrating, and stone grinding them into his legendary sprouted almond butters. Thus, The Chief Philosopher and Nut Alchemist commenced his Great Work.
Here’s a special for the More Business More Life Community!
The Philosopher’s Stoneground is offering 20% off to first-time customers who sign up for their newsletter.
If you want to check out their product without having to do that, use the code: SteveGratitude and you’ll get the same 20% off!
Use the code here –>
Additional resources recommended by Tim:
Baby safe living free from EMF exposure, especially in pregnancy, but for early childhood too.
Best site for buying garments to protect pregnant momma from EMFs.
Best book for building a healthy baby pre and post natal.
Connect with Tim:
Listen to the podcast below:
More Business More Life® Podcast Episode 47 – With Tim Richards
The More Business More Life® podcast has been recorded by Napolitan Inc. It is hosted by the company’s Megaphone channel and you can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite apps as follows:

The podcast is also available on Steve Napolitan’s YouTube channel.