Many hands make light work! If we want to achieve more ease in life, then we need to tap into the power of TEAMWORK. Especially during this time of crisis, we need that sense of togetherness more than ever. We are better together than we are apart. Although technically, we need to be apart right now because of social distancing. But hey, we are working together right now (by being apart) in order to reach a common goal.
Today, I’ll share how we can do what we do best and delegate the rest to live a more dynamic life. Togetherness is not only joyful, but absolutely necessary for our emotional and mental well-being. Let’s explore how we can achieve more freedom through collaboration!
As they say, teamwork makes the dream work.
See transcript below:
Steve Napolitan: Many hands make light work! If we want to achieve more ease in life, then we need to tap into the power of TEAMWORK. Especially during this time of crisis, we need that sense of togetherness more than ever. We are better together than we are apart. Although technically, we need to be apart right now because of #socialdistancing. But hey, we are working together right now (by being apart) in order to reach a common goal. Today, I’ll share how we can do what we do best and delegate the rest to live a more dynamic life. Togetherness is not only joyful, but absolutely necessary for our emotional and mental well-being. Let’s explore how we can achieve more freedom through collaboration! Teamwork makes the dream work.
You can say, “Hey, I’m going to go away for a month.” Or maybe you’re a mother and you go have a baby and you spend three months away and the team can still maintain and then you come back and integrate back in and we have each other. We take care of each other because then you can come back and somebody else can go have a baby or somebody else can go on a holiday. So this together, plus we also bring different core abilities. The things that I do the best, I can do well and somebody else is going to do what I do not do well. My weakest points could be someone else’s best points. So we can compliment each other like any good team does that I do what I do best and then delegate the rest to other team members to do the things that I don’t do as well.
So together is so key and as human species, let’s just talk about being human. One of the worst things we can do is be isolated. If you look at studies from people that have been in solitary confinement, they tend to be the hardest to rehabilitate coming out of prison. We’re not meant to be alone. The human aspect is together. It is in groups. And think of our happiest time is when we’re in this together. And I learned this from Peter Gray who talks a lot about self-directed education, which I think is an amazing principal. And when you look at it, he was saying how years ago kids would just go outside and they would play with their friends and you could go out there without parent supervision. They would just roam about.
And now we’ve gotten to a place in this time that that looks as endangering the child and parents are frowned upon when they let their kids wander. And then we wonder why our kids are so much on social media or they’re connected through their games, which are all virtual now. So a lot of the games connect to the internet and they’re playing with their friends. So what are they doing? They’re working together. They’re playing with their friends in a virtual sense, and so we blame our kids for being gamers or getting on their phone too much, but guess what? We cause that because a lot of the parents are not allowing their kids to go outside and play with their friends.
Together is a natural human thing and just think about yourself, how much better you feel when you’re with your significant other, when you’re with your family, when you’re with your friends. We want to be together and if you have a dynamic team where you’re producing something, where you’re working together to make something happen in the world and help other people producing a product or a service, think of the satisfaction with that and how much farther you can go and how much easier it is for all of us when you work with a really great team.
So together is a huge word for me, and it wasn’t originally part of my core values. Just to wrap all this up since this is our fifth video around and our final video on our core values, it used to just be gratitude, freedom and fun. And then I had to add grow… Video got caught up for a second there. So I had three, gratitude, freedom, fun and then we added growth and together. Because it is all about growth as a learning aspect of our life. We’re all growing and then together adds this dynamic of what we’re doing. Even the fact that we’re together right now and you’re watching this video, the more that we’re together, the more that we can learn from each other, the more that we can make ease in our life and with a global workforce it’s amazing what we can do with technology to be able to work together with some of the most amazing dynamic people you can really build your wow team.
We talk about wow clients a lot, which I’ll talk about in some future episodes, but then we also, I’m writing a book right now on wow team. How do we create our own wow team? So I hope this was valuable for you. As always, put some notes in the comments for me and tell me what was most valuable. Let me know your questions, how you’re applying the word together into your life, and if this is useful, please subscribe. We’re going to keep producing these episodes and I look forward to seeing you on the next one. As always, remember, choose gratitude and create freedom.