“We made the leap in the knowledge that, while we might not know all of the answers right now, we’ll figure them out as we go. Just listen to your heart and take that first step.” — George Kaponay
Welcome back to the Steve Show! Today we’re continuing our series exploring the Kaponay family’s journey from corporate suburban life to becoming a globetrotting, homeschooling, business-creating family. What does it take to make such an ambitious life choice possible. This week we’re taking a closer look at the specific decisions and challenges involved in choosing your life boldly.
Grab your pens and follow along, because each ‘Kaponay takeaway’ is paired with journal prompts to help you prepare for any big dream you set your mind to…
Remove Unnecessary Weight
You can’t fly when you’re tied to a ton of bricks! The best way to accelerate your speed down a new path is to part with the things weighing you down. The night the Kaponays committed to their dream of travel-homeschooling, they made the decision to sell their home…and it sold in 3 weeks.
They also parted with the accumulated items that were no longer necessary on their new journey and found that, “as we shed those things we actually felt physically lighter, and w were surprised at just how much that affected our ability to see things differently.” Weight can come in many forms, whether it be material things or situations that keep us feeling stuck. Parting with ‘excess weight’ is a difficult, necessary, and ultimately freeing part of choosing your new life.
- What material items and heavy situations are weighing you down in your current life? What does that weight feel like?
- Next to each item, write an action plan of how you can part with each thing or situation. Include a sentence about what freedom from that weight will feel like!
Some Won’t Understand – And That’s Okay
On the path to attaining your life’s vision, you’re bound to discover people accustomed to playing it safe. Your friends and family may respond with dismissal, protest, or concern for you when confronted with your big plans. George and Bobi’s parents reacted to their idea with strong resistance, even trying to talk them out of it. Bobi offers that it’s important to not take it personally and exercise understanding – they simply see the world and its possibilities differently. Take their skepticism in stride!
- Who is supportive of your big vision? Make a list and reach out to them when you need genuine encouragement.
Trust Your Inner Voice
George’s biggest piece of advice is to not let well-intentioned people cast doubt in your mind and deter you from your dreams. He suggests that, even if you feel like you lack a solid support system now, trust that there will be people out there to help you along the way. The Kaponay family embarked on their adventure without knowing exactly how they’d find all the support and resources they needed. You can too, as long as you trust your ability to create solutions for every challenge along the way!
- Write out your vision for the life you’re choosing and why it’s important to you. Be specific, connect with your why, and speak from the heart.
- Read this entry as a reminder whenever you feel doubt.
Are you feeling a surge of resolve and resilience after hearing George and Bobi’s tips? Share your goals, fears, and questions about choosing your life in the comments below – I read and respond to every comment! And don’t forget to tune in for part 3 of the series for more potent inspiration…
As always, until we meet again…
Choose Gratitude Create Freedom
Steve Napolitan