Negative emotions can be socially contagious – so how do we stop the cycle when upsetting interactions head our way?
In today’s clip, I’ll share my favorite communication hack for diffusing tense social moments. Instead of getting upset at someone’s big emotions, thank them for showing you how much you care!
Melyssa Barrett also discusses how it’s OK to not understand another person’s experience at first, and how to be patient as you get on the same terms and come into alignment. We all want the same things – to care for our families, have our basic needs met, and have love.
Tune in and reconnect with this simple commonality and recharge your empathy powers!
The More Business More Life® podcast has been recorded by Napolitan Inc. It is hosted by the company’s Megaphone channel and you can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite apps as follows:

The podcast is also available on Steve Napolitan’s YouTube channel.