August 8

Self Care and Wellbeing – MBML Podcast EP73

When you give so much that you forget about your own self-care, then you end up incapable of being as effective a leader, parent, or partner in life. When you actually take care of yourself: take breaks, have moments of mindfulness, eat better, sleep more - you have more energy. And when you have more energy, you can make better decisions, you make less mistakes, and overall, you perform better. Value comes from results. If you have more energy, you can do a lot more in the same hour as someone else. How can we create business and life structures that will pencil OUR wellness into the schedule? Let's dive in.
August 1

Using Our Feelings for Success – MBML Podcast EP72

What place does emotion have in our lives and our business? Our emotions help us communicate with others and help us act quickly in important situations. They can work as an indicator, like that gut feeling or intuition. For many people, the primary impulse when experiencing an unpleasant emotion is to find a way to escape it instead of just allowing themselves to feel it. So, how can we use our feelings as navigation tools to know we’re going on the right path? Let's dive in.
July 25

Start With The WHY – MBML Podcast EP71

There's always a reason for everything. But more often than not, we don't drill deep enough to explore why we do the things that we do. And that's when confusion often steps in. It's easier to focus and make decisions when you know your WHY. You get to define what freedom and success is and what that looks like for you instead of what society is telling you. How can we start designing the life we want right now? Let's discuss.
July 18

Choosing To Change – MBML Podcast EP70

When it comes to having more of what we want, it does come down to making a choice. There is power in that choice. But more often than not, we forget we CAN make choices. Or it might seem like we don't have a choice. Your choice is how you react to it. How do we choose the life we want? How do we know we're making the right decision and how do we actually make the decision? Let's dive in.
July 11

How Do You Fit It All In? – MBML Podcast EP69

Work and life don't always balance. We try to make both plates equal, but sometimes one would need more attention and the balance gets a little wonky. How do we get good at prioritizing what's most important so we can show up for ourselves, our relationships, our work each day? Let's dive in.
July 5

Keeping Up With Change – MBML Podcast EP68

It's podcast recording day and my Internet connection went out. But instead of rescheduling, my trusted and amazing team rose up to the challenge and recorded a very well-fitting podcast about change. How do we stay flexible in times of change? This episode is one for the books.
June 27

Why Wait When You Have Now – MBML Podcast EP67

Knowing what we want to experience helps set the tone of how we would design our life. Why wait? NOW is a powerful moment. The most important place to be present to is the present. "How can we have more of what we want? What experience do I really want right now?" If this is something you're asking right now, this episode is for you. Let's stop waiting and start living.