June 27

Shakespeare in the Park

Attending Shakespeare in the park with my family overlaps a lot of things for me. Time to relax in a park, time to view folks performing their interpretation of Shakespeare’s script, time with my family, getting some son , talking with others about the story content and reflecting on my own life.
June 14

Movement and Trails

Before Guillain-Barré Syndrome, I was running trails. Mostly hills and gaining elevation too. Really getting a workout. Now, my focus is on walking a good distance on flat land. I’m still getting out on trails and being with nature as much as I can. I’ve said this for years, but it is even more relevant for me now. I like to call it movement, instead of working out.
June 6

Joy in the Smallest Things

I’ve always been a big dreamer. I like to visualize things and then take the steps to create them. Out of all these life experiences and after having had this major life change in the last 10-months, I am finding the greatest joy in the small things
May 10

The Gift of Family

One of the great gifts Guillain-Barré Syndrome has given me is to truly know in my heart that I am loved. Those closest to me showed up in such loving ways. Helping in ways I would not have imagined prior to this. This started with my family and extended to many friends.