December 28

Self-Compassion Tips For Shaking Off A Rough Year – MBML Podcast EP39

Challenging times can trick us into thinking that those missed marks, unmet goals, and sluggish performance are OUR fault. The truth is, these things just come with the territory. But how do we prevent ourselves from being too hard on ourselves in difficult times? In this week’s episode, Jovanni Godina and Alvaro Dominguez join me to share our best tips on experiencing more self-compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. Tune in and learn the importance of giving yourself permission to pause so you can plan a fresh start. Plus, don’t miss our tips for shaking off residual bad energy so you can charge into the new year feeling energized and unstoppable!
December 25

Maintaining Joyful Connection During Distanced Holidays – MBML Podcast EP38

Humans are social animals, which means that connection is a necessity, not just a ‘want’. After a long year adapting to less face-to-face time with our loved ones, it’s more important than ever to get creative about maintaining those connections. In today’s episode, Jovanni Godina and I share our favorite ways to leverage technology to create fun holiday moments, no matter the physical distance. We’ll also talk about how to take care of yourself after a difficult year and prime yourself for a bright, positive, successful 2021. Don’t miss our tricks for cultivating more gratitude and self-compassion...they’ll help you keep your vibration high the whole year long!