October 16
Does FUN have a place in the workplace? Serious grown ups would argue that playing on the job is inherently irreverent, but today we’ll argue to […]
October 15
Manifestation can seem like a bunch of hokey woo-woo stuff, but what if it’s just simple cognitive science? I n today’s clip, we explore how the […]
October 14
“How can I help?” It’s the best business question you can ask in 2020, both to your audience AND yourself. In this week’s episode, Nolan Lowry […]
October 14
When is the last time you stepped back from your business long enough to ask the BIG questions? In today’s clip, Vitalia Fedossova and I talk […]
October 13
Working yourself to complete burnout isn’t doing your business any favors. When we hustle too hard, we actually risk hurting out business, losing clients, or hurting […]
October 12
Did you imagine ENJOYING your business, only to find yourself worked to the bone? Any entrepreneurial passion can be spoiled by too much hustle and not enough LIVING.
In this week’s episode, Vitalia Fedossova of Aurelius Accounting joins us to share how workaholism led her to the point of serious injury and a 6 month recovery. Learn how she went from working pains to having the joy-packed business of her dreams -- one that’s actually expanding during 2020 and helping socially conscious businesses all the while.
Put on your animal onesie with us, because we’re about to have FUN!
October 9
The process of creating more LIFE alongside more business doesn’t stop when you’ve freed up personal time on your calendar. What happens when you’ve engineered time […]
October 8
Agency or consulting…that is the question for marketing pros. But which you choose all comes down to how you like to exist in your business, what […]