June 29

Are You Being PRODUCTIVE or BUSY? – MBML Podcast EP12

There are two types of entrepreneurs -- rabbits and turtles. The rabbits run around like crazy trying to get *anything* done, but the turtles move in a deliberate, thoughtful direction toward their goals. Today Jovanni Godina and I talk about how we can move away from all those busy hours and get MORE done in LESS time...while actually getting the results for our success. We’ll share our best tips for slowing down and creating more breathing room for your inner business wisdom to blossom. Once you make the switch, you’ll never be tricked by the allure of ‘busy’ again!
June 22

Hey Adults…Dare To Dream Again! – MBML Podcast EP11

Remember being a child and being told by adults that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up? It’s interesting how when we express our big dreams as adults, we’re instead met with reality checks and discouragement. Today Jovanni Godina and I talk about how to reconnect with our ability to dream boldly and refuse to let adulthood stunt our imaginations. We’ll break down what has worked for us, and the incredible things that are possible when you follow your OWN desires...not other people’s expectations.