July 25

A Stroke of Insight: Rebuilding for a Better Life and Community – MBML Podcast EP123

In the realm of personal and professional development, the pursuit of "more" often takes center stage. Individuals and businesses alike strive for more success, more growth, and more impact. However, this relentless pursuit can lead to burnout, strained relationships, and a loss of overall well-being. In this episode, we are joined by Chris Wilson, a passionate individual dedicated to revitalizing communities and main streets across America. Chris shares his personal experience with a stroke and how it served as a wake-up call to re-evaluate priorities and make significant changes. He opens up about his journey of recovery, the power of saying no, and the importance of prioritizing personal well-being alongside professional pursuits. Join us as we explore Chris's unique insights and strategies for achieving more in both business and life while maintaining a healthy balance. How can we create thriving communities and fulfilling lives without sacrificing our health and happiness? Tune in to find out.
July 17

WOW Clients, WOW Life – MBML Podcast EP122

In the world of business, "wow" clients aren't just happy customers; they're enthusiastic advocates. These special clients create a ripple effect of positive outcomes, from exceptional results and increased revenue to loyal fans and valuable referrals. In this episode, we'll uncover the transformative power of "wow" clients and their remarkable impact on your business and personal life. We'll delve into what makes a "wow" client and how prioritizing these relationships can unlock a cascade of benefits known as the 4 R's: Results, Revenue, Raving Fans, and Referrals. Discover how cultivating positive client relationships can boost your energy, well-being, and overall satisfaction in both your personal and professional life.
July 9

Harnessing the Power of Intention and Attention – MBML Podcast EP121

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of goals and quotas, often leading to feelings of overwhelm and disconnection. But what if there's a simpler, more effective path to success and fulfillment? In this episode of More Business, More Life, we explore the transformative power of intention and attention, two seemingly simple words that hold the key to unlocking greater potential in all areas of life. We'll explore how setting clear intentions and directing our attention can lead to remarkable results in various aspects of life, including increased revenue, stronger relationships, and improved team dynamics. We'll share personal stories and practical tips on how to harness these words to achieve more business and more life. Let's dive in.
July 5

Finding Freedom from Anxiety – MBML Podcast EP120

Anxiety is a common emotion that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest as excessive worry, racing thoughts, physical tension, and even panic attacks. If you find yourself overwhelmed by these feelings, you're not alone. In this episode, we delve into the world of emotions, specifically focusing on anxiety. We explore how anxiety manifests in our lives, its impact on our well-being and businesses, and effective strategies to manage it. We'll introduce you to the "Oh Wow!" technique, a powerful tool for reframing anxious thoughts and cultivating a more positive mindset. Join us as we uncover ways to find joy, laughter, and freedom from anxiety's grip, empowering you to thrive both personally and professionally.
June 27

How to Let Go of “OW” Clients – MBML Podcast EP119

Feeling the drain of working with clients who don't align with your values or goals? We've all encountered them at some point in our entrepreneurial journeys, and their impact can be far-reaching, affecting not only our businesses but also our personal lives. Join us as we share relatable experiences, delve into the red flags that signal an "OW" client, and provide actionable strategies for gracefully parting ways. But it's not all about saying goodbye! We'll also explore how to attract and cultivate relationships with "WOW" clients – those who uplift, inspire, and truly value your expertise.
June 21

Three Relationships That Shape Our Lives – MBML Podcast EP118

Ever wondered how the experiences of your childhood continue to shape your life today? It's not just about the big events, but the subtle messages we absorbed about money, food, and even intimacy. These early lessons often become the invisible scripts we follow in adulthood, influencing our choices and shaping our reality. In this episode, we'll talk about the importance of personal accountability and how to overcome self-sabotage, empowering you to take charge of your life and create lasting change. We'll also delve into the concept of happiness as a catalyst, not a result, and how to live a fulfilling life even before achieving all of our goals. Let's dive in.
June 13

Life is Change, Change is Life – MBML Podcast EP117

From the moment we are born, we are thrust into a world of constant flux and transformation. Change is an inevitable part of life. And while it is a natural and necessary part of growth, it often evokes fear and resistance in people due to the uncertainty and discomfort it can bring. In this episode, we're diving deep into the transformative power of change. We'll be sharing personal stories about pivotal moments where embracing change led to unexpected opportunities and growth. We'll also provide practical advice on how to navigate the challenges and uncertainties that change often brings. Get ready to discover how to cultivate flexibility, resilience, and a positive mindset to not only survive but thrive in an ever-evolving world.
June 7

The Power of Coming Together – MBML Podcast EP116

In today's digital age, it's easy to overlook the power of in-person events. In this episode, we'll discuss why live events are essential for coaches, consultants, and content creators, and how they can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, foster focused learning and growth, and build a supportive community. We'll also share our own experiences and insights from hosting and attending live events, and how they've helped us achieve greater success in our businesses and personal lives.
August 2

Choosing Courage Over Fear – MBML Podcast EP54

In this special episode, we’ll learn from Jim Blachek, owner of Dynamic Benefit Solutions, in this compelling talk about his proclivity for saving lives through access to the right healthcare. After the tragic death of his 21-year-old son, Jim chose LIFE and did not let fear get in the way of what he knew he needed to do. We discuss how Jim’s employees saved his business in the wake of tragedy, and how it fueled his fire to make change for good.
July 6

Flexibility, Family & Work Life Integration – MBML Podcast EP53

If you had to choose a road to represent your journey – would you pick the one of least resistance, slow, controlled, and easy? Or the […]
June 15

Plot Your Way To SUCCESS! – MBML Podcast EP52

If you subject your ideas to the creative process and second guess your systems, you’ll be on your way to MORE success in LESS time. Join […]
June 7

How to Put Your Fun First – MBML Podcast EP51

What do you get when you put beekeeping, backyard farming, family living and the space for hobbies BEFORE work? Freedom and abundance. We’re all about integrating […]
May 24

Recreate Your Life Where You Are – MBML Podcast EP50

It’s hard to imagine that there’s anything else out there when you haven’t been exposed to what is possible. -Tim O’Hara Relax, take a deep breath […]
May 10

Trusting Your Intuition – MBML Podcast EP49

When was the last moment you knew you should have listened to your instincts, but didn’t? How about that time you followed your gut and it […]
April 26

Slowing Down to Speed Up – MBML Podcast EP48

We’re taught that carving out time for pause is counterproductive. But what if *literally* stopping and smelling the roses actually makes you more effective in work? […]
November 16

Combative Times Call For Connection + Curiosity! – MBML Podcast EP32

Has social media’s recent uptick in combativeness and division EXHAUSTED you? Want to learn how to turn tense social encounters into enjoyable experiences? Look no further […]
November 9

Living On The Streets To 6-Figure Business With Jaime Perez – MBML Podcast EP31

From rock bottom to rallying his business to six-figure status, Jaime Perez knows a thing or two about making big comebacks. In this week’s episode, he’ll […]