
In early August of 2021, I was diagnosed with GuillainBarré Syndrome (GBS) – a rare autoimmune disorder. My own immune system damaged my nerves, which left me paralyzed in my legs, arms, and face. Luckily, my lungs have been only slightly affected.

I’m finally well enough to start sharing some of what has happened and what’s to come. I want to honor this moment as an opportunity to be transparent and vulnerable. 

This is my journey of healing and growth as I navigate life after being diagnosed with GuillainBarré Syndrome.

October 11

What is life trying to tell you today?

When I got to the hospital I couldn’t move my legs or my arms and could not move any of my face muscles. This was one of my first big milestones, raising my arm. Looks simple, but for me in that moment it was a big deal. What Guillain-Barré Syndrome does to the body essentially is the immune system attacks the nerves. More specifically it actually attacks, eats away, the Myelin.