February 22

Our Levels of Consciousness – MBML Podcast EP101

In psychology, when we think of our conscious mind, the famously known magical number seven, plus or minus two means an average human can typically hold 5 to 9 conscious thoughts. So those that can really function at that high level, they can have about 9 thoughts at any given time. In this episode, we're going to talk about how we can start practicing our level of consciousness and some practical techniques we can use to increase our level of consciousness.
February 14

All You Need Is Love – MBML Podcast EP100

Marking the 100th episode of More Business More Life podcast on the week of Valentine's Day, what better way to celebrate this milestone than to talk about love. There's still a lot of conversation to be had when it comes to love, especially in business. There are people that actually say you can't bring love into business because you have to be professional. Do you think love is not professional enough? Let's talk about how love can transform your business and life.
February 9

The Power of Your Friends – MBML Podcast EP99

As Jim Rohn famously said, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Who you choose to surround yourself with matters and is more powerful than you realize, like being able to ask for advice from like-minded people. We need to be around people that want and believe in the same dream that we have. In this episode, we're going to discuss how we can actively bring the right people around us; the kind that will lift you up, empower you, support you, and want you to succeed.
January 31

Good is Enemy to Great – MBML Podcast EP98

If you keep doing the same exercise everyday you might stay in shape but eventually you’re going to hit a plateau and receive progressively smaller results. It’s the same way in business. Good is the enemy of great. When we get comfortable, we stop pushing for that next level. Good is good but settling for "good" when you are capable of more can inhibit you from living in your greatness.
January 24

Curating a Client Value Journey – MBML Podcast EP97

We all want the "WOW" factor, the "WOW" experience. If we want to deliver that to our clients, we need to have a clear direction of the journey that we want to take our clients on: our client value journey. And how do we turn into the most simple mechanism that will help us have more business and more life right now? All of that and more about creating value in this episode. Let's dive in.
January 17

How Structure Gives You Freedom – MBML Podcast EP96

Freedom is a lofty goal many of us reach for. Freedom to do what we want, when we want to. But when you think of freedom, what comes to mind for you? Is it like a feather blowing in the wind- unbound, and drifting freely? When it comes to business, you don’t just want to be blowing in the wind. You need a system if you want more freedom in your business. And in this week's episode, we're going to unpack just that: structured freedom.
January 10

Success Doesn’t Feel Normal – MBML Podcast EP95

When we set a goal and reach for it, it's probably something new. Something we haven’t done before, and most likely a place we have never been before. But many people would take a step back from their goals before even trying. Do you know why? Because it involves change. And change is uncomfortable. In this episode, let’s talk about how we can shift our mindset about what should feel normal and how we can get more comfortable with the uncomfortable.
January 3

Reset For The New Year – MBML Podcast EP94

It's a new year! And what comes with it is a chance to reset. In this episode, we're going to talk about how to reset your life and start planning for what you want. Your new reality can actually become what you want right now. This can be the year that changes everything for you. Tune in and let's discuss how we can allow ourselves to reset every day.
October 14

Step Back To See The Whole Picture – MBML EP114

When is the last time you stepped back from your business long enough to ask the BIG questions? In today’s clip, Vitalia Fedossova and I talk […]
October 13

Improvement Is A Continuous Process – MBML EP113

Working yourself to complete burnout isn’t doing your business any favors. When we hustle too hard, we actually risk hurting out business, losing clients, or hurting […]
October 9

Be Aware Of Your Mindset – MBML EP112

The process of creating more LIFE alongside more business doesn’t stop when you’ve freed up personal time on your calendar. What happens when you’ve engineered time […]
October 8

It’s OK To Change Your Game Plan – MBML EP111

Agency or consulting…that is the question for marketing pros. But which you choose all comes down to how you like to exist in your business, what […]
October 7

Finding Fulfillment In Service – MBML EP110

Are you doing what you really LOVE within your business? Or has the process of managing the whole thing distracted you from the work you REALLY […]
October 6

Changing The Sales Model – MBML EP109

Do you spend most of your time on lead generation and sales in your business? Want a more efficient way to bring in revenue so you […]
October 2

Listening To Your Gut Feeling – MBML EP108

When you need guidance in business, do you know where to go? Do you hesitate to invest more money in directions that might lead you nowhere? […]
October 1

Working With WOW Clients – MBML EP107

Getting new clients can be the most time consuming activity in your business…but it doesn’t have to! If it takes you days, weeks, or months to […]
September 30

Big Results Through Commitment – MBML EP106

It only takes a handful of smart frameworks to completely transform the experience of working in your own business. But why trust another method or strategy […]