
Welcome to More Business More Life® Podcast!

If you’re a business owner, C-level executive, entrepreneur, coach, or speaker, these weekly episodes are designed to empower you to have it all. We’re here to help leaders like you create the freedom they deserve without sacrifice. Tune in to learn why their ‘radical’ idea of working less than 40 hours per week while facilitating MORE revenue and vacation days isn’t as out-of-reach as you think!

August 23

Gain & Sustain Energy – MBML Podcast EP127

Ever felt like you're constantly running on empty, even with all the time in the world? In our fast-paced world, we're often misled into believing that more time equals a more fulfilling life. We chase after productivity hacks and time management strategies, hoping to squeeze more into our already packed schedules. But what if the real key to unlocking your potential lies not in managing your time, but in mastering your energy? In this episode, we'll uncover the energy drainers and energizers in our lives, from the people we surround ourselves with to the tasks we undertake and even our own thoughts. Tune in to discover how to reclaim your energy and create a life that truly fuels you!
August 16

It’s Never too Late to Recalculate – MBML Podcast EP126

“If you had a magic wand, what would you do?” Many people would answer with, “I don’t know.” But the truth is, deep down, we all know the answer. It's just that the noise of everyday life and the fear of judgment can drown out our true desires. We hesitate to admit what we truly love, especially if it deviates from the norm or what our peers expect. From a young age, we possess an innate sense of what brings us joy and fulfillment. Yet, as we grow older, we may lose touch with this inner knowing. It's time to rediscover that childlike wonder and listen to our inner GPS, that quiet voice that guides us towards our authentic selves. In this episode, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We'll explore the transformative power of making conscious choices, even when faced with challenges and uncertainties. We'll learn to tune into our intuition, that unwavering compass that points us towards our true north. And we'll discover how resilience and a positive mindset can help us navigate life's inevitable detours, allowing us to embrace change and re-route with confidence.
August 9

Getting Outside of Your Comfort Zone – MBML Podcast EP125

Ever felt stuck, like you're not moving forward? The answer might lie just outside your comfort zone. But how do we navigate the discomfort that inevitably arises when we challenge ourselves? In this episode, we offer practical tips and strategies to help you embrace the uncomfortable. We explore techniques for managing fear, setting achievable goals, and building a support system to encourage and empower you along the way. Discover how embracing challenges, pushing boundaries, and stepping into the unknown can lead to unparalleled growth and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies dormant within you. Remember, the most rewarding journeys often begin with a single step outside your comfort zone.
August 2

From Burnout to Balance – MBML Podcast EP124

Are you caught in the relentless cycle of exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life? Do you find yourself constantly chasing productivity, sacrificing your well-being in the pursuit of success? If so, you're not alone. Burnout, once considered a niche experience, has become a pervasive issue in our fast-paced, achievement-oriented society. It's a silent epidemic, eroding our energy, motivation, and overall quality of life. In this episode, we're talking about the all-too-common experience of burnout and how to find balance and harmony in your life. We'll share personal stories and tips for managing stress, prioritizing self-care, and creating a more fulfilling life. If you're ready to move from burnout to balance, this episode is for you.
July 25

A Stroke of Insight: Rebuilding for a Better Life and Community – MBML Podcast EP123

In the realm of personal and professional development, the pursuit of "more" often takes center stage. Individuals and businesses alike strive for more success, more growth, and more impact. However, this relentless pursuit can lead to burnout, strained relationships, and a loss of overall well-being. In this episode, we are joined by Chris Wilson, a passionate individual dedicated to revitalizing communities and main streets across America. Chris shares his personal experience with a stroke and how it served as a wake-up call to re-evaluate priorities and make significant changes. He opens up about his journey of recovery, the power of saying no, and the importance of prioritizing personal well-being alongside professional pursuits. Join us as we explore Chris's unique insights and strategies for achieving more in both business and life while maintaining a healthy balance. How can we create thriving communities and fulfilling lives without sacrificing our health and happiness? Tune in to find out.
July 17

WOW Clients, WOW Life – MBML Podcast EP122

In the world of business, "wow" clients aren't just happy customers; they're enthusiastic advocates. These special clients create a ripple effect of positive outcomes, from exceptional results and increased revenue to loyal fans and valuable referrals. In this episode, we'll uncover the transformative power of "wow" clients and their remarkable impact on your business and personal life. We'll delve into what makes a "wow" client and how prioritizing these relationships can unlock a cascade of benefits known as the 4 R's: Results, Revenue, Raving Fans, and Referrals. Discover how cultivating positive client relationships can boost your energy, well-being, and overall satisfaction in both your personal and professional life.
July 9

Harnessing the Power of Intention and Attention – MBML Podcast EP121

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of goals and quotas, often leading to feelings of overwhelm and disconnection. But what if there's a simpler, more effective path to success and fulfillment? In this episode of More Business, More Life, we explore the transformative power of intention and attention, two seemingly simple words that hold the key to unlocking greater potential in all areas of life. We'll explore how setting clear intentions and directing our attention can lead to remarkable results in various aspects of life, including increased revenue, stronger relationships, and improved team dynamics. We'll share personal stories and practical tips on how to harness these words to achieve more business and more life. Let's dive in.
July 5

Finding Freedom from Anxiety – MBML Podcast EP120

Anxiety is a common emotion that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest as excessive worry, racing thoughts, physical tension, and even panic attacks. If you find yourself overwhelmed by these feelings, you're not alone. In this episode, we delve into the world of emotions, specifically focusing on anxiety. We explore how anxiety manifests in our lives, its impact on our well-being and businesses, and effective strategies to manage it. We'll introduce you to the "Oh Wow!" technique, a powerful tool for reframing anxious thoughts and cultivating a more positive mindset. Join us as we uncover ways to find joy, laughter, and freedom from anxiety's grip, empowering you to thrive both personally and professionally.
June 27

How to Let Go of “OW” Clients – MBML Podcast EP119

Feeling the drain of working with clients who don't align with your values or goals? We've all encountered them at some point in our entrepreneurial journeys, and their impact can be far-reaching, affecting not only our businesses but also our personal lives. Join us as we share relatable experiences, delve into the red flags that signal an "OW" client, and provide actionable strategies for gracefully parting ways. But it's not all about saying goodbye! We'll also explore how to attract and cultivate relationships with "WOW" clients – those who uplift, inspire, and truly value your expertise.