
Welcome to More Business More Life® Podcast!

If you’re a business owner, C-level executive, entrepreneur, coach, or speaker, these weekly episodes are designed to empower you to have it all. We’re here to help leaders like you create the freedom they deserve without sacrifice. Tune in to learn why their ‘radical’ idea of working less than 40 hours per week while facilitating MORE revenue and vacation days isn’t as out-of-reach as you think!

June 7

How to Put Your Fun First – MBML Podcast EP51

What do you get when you put beekeeping, backyard farming, family living and the space for hobbies BEFORE work? Freedom and abundance. We’re all about integrating ambition with passions at More Business More Life. When you honor your free time as much as your business deadlines, you will jolt your creative mind, move past challenges and make space for you! In this SNap chat episode with team member Todd Walker, we discuss everything from how to set up systems to work smarter, not harder all the way to building a backyard farm and planning fun first. Tune in!
May 24

Recreate Your Life Where You Are – MBML Podcast EP50

It’s hard to imagine that there’s anything else out there when you haven’t been exposed to what is possible. -Tim O'Hara Relax, take a deep breath & step into the jungle. At More Business More Life, we’re all about taking people out of the offices and into the earth - even if it’s your own backyard. Join me in this chat with Tim O’Hara, founder of sustainable education center, Rancho Mastatal where we discuss how he transitioned from corporate America to Costa Rica, followed his pursuit of happiness, and built a community and business in a sustainable way.
April 26

Slowing Down to Speed Up – MBML Podcast EP48

We’re taught that carving out time for pause is counterproductive. But what if *literally* stopping and smelling the roses actually makes you more effective in work? Just like preparing for a marathon, training in smaller chunks allows you to reach your goals and maintain sustainable balance over time. When you commit to regular pauses in the present, your work life improves. When you show up for YOU first, others always benefit. In this podcast, Todd Walker and I discuss: How to break the overworking habits and plan your fun first How to manage your calendar for less work & more pauses and HONOR it Why living the way you want won’t feel “normal” (and how to break through the resistance) Why it’s important to commit and surround yourself with mentors Tune in for a big mindset shift!
April 7

Living a Life of Nourishing Abundance – MBML Podcast EP47

How can you align your authenticity with your life’s work while still making a living? It is possible to grow a business that feels true, upholds your values, and is rooted in abundance and nourishment (while supporting the planet). This week on the podcast, we chat with Tim Richards, owner of The Philosopher’s Stoneground organic sprouted almond butter. His ultimate goal? Using a regenerative business model to create an economic engine that supports new life - not detracts. A pioneer in his industry, listen in and learn about Tim’s existential reckoning moment, leap of faith, and the visceral experience of knowing what his life’s purpose was. We chat about the essence of pause to hear your calling, the difference between regenerative and degenerative business models, and how aligning with your inner intentions is key to growth.
March 22

Escaping the Retirement Trap – MBML Podcast EP46

Enjoy Life NOW! Society pressures us to go to school, study hard, land a good job, and work our way up the ladder — slaving away until we ‘earn’ that retirement late in life. But what if you could live the life you want NOW while creating abundance in business?  In this week’s episode, Jovanni Godina joins me to reframe how we think about retirement and give our best tips for structuring your businesses so every day feels like retirement. I’ll also share how a chance meeting with a French man on a kayak shook my workaholic soul to the core and sent me on the path of MORE LIFE. Tune in for a big mindset shift!
March 8

‘More Life’ Scaling Secrets: Niche Down + Level Up – MBML Podcast EP45

If you met Kasim Aslam now, you’d never guess that he used to be stretched paper thin running an agency that ‘did it all’. Today, he owns one of the world’s top Google ad agencies with tons of free time to enjoy being a dad. In this week’s episode, Kasim joins me to share how he revolutionized his agency to be more abundant while allowing him to live how he wants.  Tune in for tips on how to pinpoint your most scalable skill, outperform your competition with the power of WOW Clients... and transition efficiently as you niche down and level up!
February 22

Authoring Life: Transforming Your Life Through Your Choice – MBML Podcast EP44

Are you leveraging your “resource of choice” to the fullest? The simple act of making choices can keep us unstuck and move through new doors of possibility. However, the fear and uncertainty of doing so might hold us back. In this week’s episode, Tyler Riverbank joins me to share how he boldly chose what he wanted in life. He's running 3 successful businesses as a result of that. All the while having the time and financial abundance to snowboard every day. Tune in and learn how to work past the uncertainty, Choose what you want, take what you get, and then choose again... ...until you’ve designed your ideal life!
February 8

Abundance Made Easy: Optimize For ENERGY (Not Time!) – MBML Podcast EP43

Want to get more done, hit bigger goals *faster*, and live a more vibrant life this year? The secret isn’t optimizing your time - it’s optimizing for ENERGY. In today’s episode, Anfernee Chansamooth joins me to share how he created more financial abundance + more life with a mindful approach toward where he spends his energy.  He’ll share how to pinpoint your ‘energy sinks’ by looking at your calendar, business structure, relationships, social media habits with a critical eye. Plus, we’ll reveal our favorite ways to maximize our most valuable inputs - sleep, food, and information - to make 2021 your most energetic year yet!