May 2

Let’s Talk About: FREEDOM – MBML Podcast EP59

In this episode, we're moving on to our next core value: GROWTH. All life is learning. It is within our nature to grow. There's growth when we make progress, when we learn from our mistakes, when we learn from others. The potential for growth is limitless.
April 25

Let’s Talk About: GROWTH – MBML Podcast EP58

In this episode, we're moving on to our next core value: GROWTH. All life is learning. It is within our nature to grow. There's growth when we make progress, when we learn from our mistakes, when we learn from others. The potential for growth is limitless.
April 18

Let’s Talk About: GRATITUDE – MBML Podcast EP57

This episode, we're moving on to our second core value: GRATITUDE. Gratitude for us is to appreciate all results. We'll discuss how gratitude can impact even the smallest moments, to the biggest moments, both positive and negative, in our lives.
April 11

Let’s Talk About: LOVE – MBML Podcast EP56

This episode, we'll be diving into our core values. First up is LOVE. How does Love fit into More Business, More Life? Let's discuss.
April 4

Giving Ourselves Permission – MBML Podcast EP55

In this episode, they will start peeling off the layers on how we could live the life we truly want, while having the abundance we want, without sacrificing. It starts with giving ourselves permission to choose the experience we want to have.
December 20

… And Then I Got A Reminder

A few months ago, you may remember, I went for a run. I really wanted to feel that exertion and sweat. It worked, I felt both. I ran a mile, then walked a bit and ran another mile. I thought, wow maybe I was ready for this sooner and I didn’t realize. I was walking a lot more. For me it did not feel like a hard run.
October 4

A Good Day to Run Hard 🏃…

About 2 weeks ago, I suddenly felt like going for a run or jog. I really wanted to sweat and get my heart rate up. I felt ready and knew if my body wouldn't be able to take that yet, then I would just revert back to walking.
September 26

Playing my Flutes

One of the things I missed the most after being paralyzed was playing my flutes. Even after I gained movement back into my arms, hands and fingers, I still lacked the control of my lips to make a good enough seal on the flute to get enough air in through it.
July 6

Flexibility, Family & Work Life Integration – MBML Podcast EP53

If you had to choose a road to represent your journey – would you pick the one of least resistance, slow, controlled, and easy? Or the […]
June 15

Plot Your Way To SUCCESS! – MBML Podcast EP52

If you subject your ideas to the creative process and second guess your systems, you’ll be on your way to MORE success in LESS time. Join […]
June 7

How to Put Your Fun First – MBML Podcast EP51

What do you get when you put beekeeping, backyard farming, family living and the space for hobbies BEFORE work? Freedom and abundance. We’re all about integrating […]
May 31

How To Reach Success at the End of Each Day EP113

Reduce your task list. Release the stress. When you commit to putting just the right amount of tasks on your plate, your performance will rise and […]
May 24

Recreate Your Life Where You Are – MBML Podcast EP50

It’s hard to imagine that there’s anything else out there when you haven’t been exposed to what is possible. -Tim O’Hara Relax, take a deep breath […]
May 10

Trusting Your Intuition – MBML Podcast EP49

When was the last moment you knew you should have listened to your instincts, but didn’t? How about that time you followed your gut and it […]
May 4

Manage Your Energy, Not Just Your Time EP112

Energy 󠀾󠀾> Time. When we commit to showing up at our highest level by seeing breaks as a necessity and not a reward, we reach our […]
April 26

Slowing Down to Speed Up – MBML Podcast EP48

We’re taught that carving out time for pause is counterproductive. But what if *literally* stopping and smelling the roses actually makes you more effective in work? […]
April 19

More Breaks EQUALS Higher Productivity EP111

In the wise words of Anne Lamott, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” In this week’s roundup […]