February 21

Musings Around the Fireplace

As I watch the fire, I can’t help but think about change. Fire is a symbol of change. It’s force literally creates change, some would say devastation. Is it devastation or is it just different? Is it both? Maybe it’s perspective.
February 14

What Experience Do I Want?

My wife and I like to enjoy a cup of hot cacao outdoors. We enjoy the peace and energy nature gives us. It’s a great place for us to discuss our lives. What’s working, what’s not working and what we’d like to experience next.
February 8

Grumpy After a Bad Day

This is me, grumpy and sad. My daughter took this picture when I didn’t want her to. She said she took the picture to show me how grumpy I was. It was the end of a tough day.
January 31

From Wheelchair to a Cane

October of last year was a big deal. I went from being in a wheelchair to walking with a walker to using a cane. I keep getting stronger and gaining my balance.
January 24

I Dropped My Phone off the Bridge

I was trying to take a picture of this sunset from the bridge over this little river. I dropped my phone off the bridge into the river. I’m still gaining back my hand grip.
January 17

A Walk to the Beach

I made it to the beach! Going out to a beach my family enjoys, we had forgotten there is a short hike out to the beach from the car. Normally, this would not be a big deal at all. It was the longest walk I’ve done to that day while recovering.
January 10

Date Night

Early in the dating years with my wife I bought Carl’s Jr. (Fast Food,) brought it to my house, lit some candles and invited her over. Candle light dinner! That was over twenty-five years ago. Fast forward today, our kids set up a reenactment of that dinner.
January 3

And more walking…

Through this process of healing I have been learning a lot. Learning to slow down. Learning to take small steps forward. A step forward is a step forward.
January 12

What is Your Definition of Wealth? – MBML EP165

What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘wealth’? If all you conjure is visions of green rectangles, it’s time to upgrade your definition […]
January 11

3 Steps To Securing Your Perfect Mentor – MBML Podcast EP41

Want the easiest way to shave YEARS of trial, error, and hard work off your path to your goals? Then it’s time to start surrounding yourself […]
January 8

Preserve the Core but Stimulate Progress – MBML EP164

Want the simplest hack to hit goals faster no matter what life throws your way? It all comes down to being FLEXIBLE on the path to […]
January 7

Becoming More Balanced and Whole – MBML EP163

Today’s clip goes out to the entrepreneurs who want to change lives in a big way this year! Our ability to support and uplift others hinges […]
January 6

Making Your Resolutions Stick – MBML EP162

The new year gives us a fresh start, but that January motivation can have a short half life – the average resolution lasts only 8 days […]
January 5

New Year, New Habits – MBML EP161

What’s on everyone’s mind at the beginning of a fresh new year? Unearthing bad habits and planting good ones in their place! But how do you […]
January 4

7 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Success in 2021 – MBML Podcast EP40

Don’t hope for success in 2021…PLAN it! In this week’s episode, Jovanni Godina and Alvaro Dominguez join me to dish up our favorite action steps that’ll […]
January 1

Have A Desire To Learn About Yourself – MBML EP160

If you have a habit of being hard on yourself, how do you kickstart a new practice of self-compassion? In today’s episode, Jovanni Godina and Alvaro […]
December 31

Becoming More Self-Aware – MBML EP159

Where our focus goes – energy flows. So what happens when you focus on being critical of yourself? Your energy gets stuck and it becomes impossible […]