January 3

And more walking…

Through this process of healing I have been learning a lot. Learning to slow down. Learning to take small steps forward. A step forward is a step forward.
December 13

Taking the First Step

When I first got the energy and ability to walk, it was only for short bits. My calves are the first part of my leg that would start to lock up. I found that stretches before and after helped a lot.
December 6

Cacao, Mushroom, and the Sun

More gratitude! While I was in my wheelchair I tried to get as much sun as I could. Thankful for the sun  And most of the time I had a cup of cacao with amazing herbal mushrooms (Lion’s Mane especially, because it helps so much with nerve damage.)
November 29

Our Lives are Made of Moments

I know I keep saying this, but finding gratitude in the small things (to me) are equal, if not greater, than being grateful for the big things. Really, I strive to find gratitude in all things. In the picture, I’m relaxing in the sun. Gratitude for the sun’s warmth, light and energy. It truly feeds life and healing.
November 22

Should I just keep my beard?

I’ve had a few beards over the years, yet I typically keep a shaved face. I thought maybe I’d shave. This was a big workout for me. The hand-eye coordination took a lot of focus and I forgot about all the funny faces I make to get the harder spots.
November 15

To Become a Good Walker…

It is amazing to notice something that normally is so simple and unthought of, now takes much thought and effort. I am grateful for the progress I’m making. My physical therapist said, “In order to become a good walker, you must first be a good stander.”
November 8

Take Time for Breaks

Taking lots of breaks has been a big part of my life over the last 5-10 years. Before that I worked till I couldn’t. Now I am on extreme break mode. The recovery from this has been exhausting. Doing the simplest things are big workouts
November 1

The Little Details…

Being stuck in bed is not my thing. I’ve been such an active person in my life. My Mom once said she tried to put me in front of Sesame Street, looking for a break, and I wouldn’t have more than a minute of it, before I ran off. My adult life hasn’t changed much. I like to move my body everyday. Being paralyzed and stuck in bed was one of the hardest parts of Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
September 16

Setting Clear Parameters – MBML EP98

You hear about people rocking less than 40 hour workweeks, but it’s easy to be doubtful if you’re already struggling to get your tasks done in […]
September 15

The Journey To Conscious Living – MBML EP97

Do you have to work 40+ hours a week to create amazing change in the world with your business? No way! In today’s clip, Meghan French […]
September 11

Blurring The Lines Of Life – MBML EP96

Missing your kids, family, and life while you’re chained to your office desk? Imagine work being a beautiful day WITH the people you love instead of […]
September 10

A Lesson From A Chance Encounter – MBML EP95

There’s working toward your dreams…and then there’s going ALL IN. What holds us back from truly committing to a new path? Don’t let fear, uncertainty, doubt, […]
September 9

Being Flexible In Your Vision – MBML EP94

A tree falls in the road…do you get out of the car and try to lift it out of the way? Or do you backtrack and […]
September 8

The Snowball Effect – MBML EP93

What if taking a vacation could be the best investment in your business? Today, Yasmin Nguyen and I are going to convince you that IT IS! […]
September 4

Traveling To Transform – MBML EP92

What if taking a vacation could be the best investment in your business? Today, Yasmin Nguyen and I are going to convince you that IT IS! […]
September 3

Creating A Space To Pause – MBML EP91

Have you embraced the POWER in the PAUSE? It’s the entrepreneurial norm to glorify the hustle, peak productivity, and smashing goals FAST. But in today’s clip, […]
September 2

Practicing Your Retirement – MBML EP90

If life is short, why do so many entrepreneurs race past all of its beauty and gifts? When you barrel through life chasing goals and achievements, […]