February 9

The Power of Your Friends – MBML Podcast EP99

As Jim Rohn famously said, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Who you choose to surround yourself with matters and is more powerful than you realize, like being able to ask for advice from like-minded people. We need to be around people that want and believe in the same dream that we have. In this episode, we're going to discuss how we can actively bring the right people around us; the kind that will lift you up, empower you, support you, and want you to succeed.
January 31

Good is Enemy to Great – MBML Podcast EP98

If you keep doing the same exercise everyday you might stay in shape but eventually you’re going to hit a plateau and receive progressively smaller results. It’s the same way in business. Good is the enemy of great. When we get comfortable, we stop pushing for that next level. Good is good but settling for "good" when you are capable of more can inhibit you from living in your greatness.
January 24

Curating a Client Value Journey – MBML Podcast EP97

We all want the "WOW" factor, the "WOW" experience. If we want to deliver that to our clients, we need to have a clear direction of the journey that we want to take our clients on: our client value journey. And how do we turn into the most simple mechanism that will help us have more business and more life right now? All of that and more about creating value in this episode. Let's dive in.
January 17

How Structure Gives You Freedom – MBML Podcast EP96

Freedom is a lofty goal many of us reach for. Freedom to do what we want, when we want to. But when you think of freedom, what comes to mind for you? Is it like a feather blowing in the wind- unbound, and drifting freely? When it comes to business, you don’t just want to be blowing in the wind. You need a system if you want more freedom in your business. And in this week's episode, we're going to unpack just that: structured freedom.
January 10

Success Doesn’t Feel Normal – MBML Podcast EP95

When we set a goal and reach for it, it's probably something new. Something we haven’t done before, and most likely a place we have never been before. But many people would take a step back from their goals before even trying. Do you know why? Because it involves change. And change is uncomfortable. In this episode, let’s talk about how we can shift our mindset about what should feel normal and how we can get more comfortable with the uncomfortable.
January 3

Reset For The New Year – MBML Podcast EP94

It's a new year! And what comes with it is a chance to reset. In this episode, we're going to talk about how to reset your life and start planning for what you want. Your new reality can actually become what you want right now. This can be the year that changes everything for you. Tune in and let's discuss how we can allow ourselves to reset every day.
December 26

Create Your Year of “More Life” – MBML Podcast EP93

We all have dreams that we’ve pushed aside: learning a new skill, taking that dream vacation, reconnecting with our loved ones we’ve missed. But often, we end that line of thought at "someday" – someday when life is less hectic, someday when we have more money, someday when… What if that "someday" could be now? In this week’s podcast, we have an in-depth conversation about taking action and living right now.
December 19

Rounding Out the Year 2023 – MBML Podcast EP92

The holiday season is upon us once again. Many people practice a lot of traditions during the festive times. How do we celebrate the end of the year and the coming new year in a good way and an amazing, abundant way? Dive deeper with this new More Business More Life® Podcast episode, and you'll find more holiday tradition ideas that can change the value of your holiday season for you and your loved ones. Let's go!
December 24

What Is Your Holiday Tradition? – MBML EP155

Looking for a unique new tradition to celebrate this holiday season? Look no further than today’s clip, where Todd Walker shares his annual Advent Spiral tradition! […]
December 23

Honoring The Changing Seasons – MBML EP154

Winter too often gets a bad rap as the ‘worst’ season for its chilly weather and ever-shortening days. But what if we fully embraced and relished […]
December 22

Using The Holidays To Reconnect – MBML EP153

What things in life are most important to YOU? It’s time to take stock of what you want more of in your life so you can […]
December 21

Let’s CELEBRATE! Holiday Traditions For Joy ALL Year – MBML Podcast EP37

You’ve worked so hard all year and navigated unprecedented challenges…don’t you think it’s time for a well-deserved CELEBRATION? In this week’s podcast, Jovanni Godina and Todd […]
December 18

You Are The Architect Of Your Life – MBML EP152

Don’t sit through decades of work you hate waiting to EARN your happiness later in life! Life is by design…which means that YOU are the architect. […]
December 17

Set Your Clear Expectations – MBML EP151

Email…it’s one of the greatest threats to an entrepreneur’s sanity and work-life balance. The desire to serve our clients and be present for our teams can […]
December 16

Creating The Right Kind Of Pressure – MBML EP150

How is it that we get SO MUCH done in the few days leading up to an exciting trip? In today’s episode, I’ll share a Zig […]
December 15

Streamlining Your Workday – MBML EP149

How many hours of your workday do you think are *truly* productive hours? It’s likely far less than you think! It’s said that less than half […]
December 14

Give Up OVERWORKING By Planning Your Fun First – MBML Podcast EP36

Entrepreneurs glorify the hustle…but what happens when that well-meaning work ethic leads to letting your business run your whole life? In today’s episode, you’ll learn how […]